FEM functional programming

January 28, 2022

VIM Fundamentals



https://vimways.org/2019/writing-vim-plugin/ - plugin tutorial

https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive - git nav in vim

Cheat Sheet

Key Use
j move down
k move up
l move right
h move left
w jump forward to word boundry
b jump backward to word boundry
yy copy lines, called yank
dd delete line
p paste below
P paste above
_ first non whitespace of line
t" go to before "
f find char
I insert at beginning of line
c delete and enter insert mode
cc delete line and enter insert
D delete from cursor to end of line
S delete line and insert
fT forward to T char
dt) (d)elete (t) ), replace if
{ jump backward paragraph
} jump forward paragraph
]m jump to open squirly
% jump between pairs, [{(
di{ delete between squirly brace
diw delete from within word


(n) Normal zz: re-center window scroll mA mark with A as global mark 'A navigate to mark mb mark within a file ctrl+^ back to prev file ctrl+o jump back to where you were "byy yank into b register "bp paste from b register ctrl+u page up jump ctrl+d page down jump

(i) Insert
i: insert left of cursor a: insert right of cursor I: insert at beginning of line A: insert at end of line o: insert below line O: insert above line

(v) Visual (V) Visual Line (ctrl+w) window mode


:reg: show register of commands :set scrolloff=8 set the scroll to auto scroll when 8 lines remain :set number add line numbers :set relativenumber or :set rnu set the current line as relative to count lines 6dj: delete 6 lines from current position, same as 7dd V6jd: visually select 6 lines and delete :set norelativenumber turn off relative numbers :h expandtab view help for expandtab :h expand ctrl+d expand help popup menu :colorscheme koehler set color to koehler :Ex explore current dir :Sex split explorer :Vex vertical split explorer ctrl+w+o close splits :so % source current file :e edit, use glob patterns for fuzzy find :ju see jump list :w write file :set hls ic set highlight and incremental search qa begin recording macro a q quit recording macro


Edit ~/.vimrc

set scrolloff=8
set number
set relativenumber
set tabstop=4 softtabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
set smartindent

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'do': { -> fzf#install() } }
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
Plug 'ayu-theme/ayu-vim'
call plug#end()

set termguicolors     " enable true colors support
let ayucolor="mirage" " for mirage version of theme
colorscheme ayu

let mapleader = " "

nnoremap <leader>pv :Vex<CR>
nnoremap <leader><CR> :so ~/.vimrc<CR>
nnoremap <C-p> :GFiles<CR>
noremap <leader>pf :Files<CR>
vnoremap <leader>y "+y
nnoremap <leader>y "+y