The Last Algorithms Course You'll Ever Need

December 08, 2022


Big O Notation

Look for loops.

Important concepts

  1. growth is with respect to the input
  2. Constants are dropped
  3. Worst case is usually the way we measure
  • O(n). Single loop counting chars.
  • O(log n). Binary Search trees.
  • O(n log n). Quicksort.
  • O(n^2). Two nested loops.
N = 1, O(10N) = 10, O(N^2) = 1
N = 5, O(10N) = 50, O(N^2) = 25
N = 100, O(10N) = 1,000, O(N^2) = 10,000 // 10x bigger
N = 1000, O(10N) = 10,000, O(N^2) = 1,000,000 // 100x bigger
N = 10000, O(10N) = 100,000, O(N^2) = 100,000,000 // 1000x bigger

Complexity Cheat Sheet

Big-O Complexity