FEM Enterprise Architecture Patterns

February 12, 2022

Course Info


The Iron Triangle

  • State
  • Code Volume
  • Flow Control


  • Shared mutable state is incredibly dangerous

Solution: Refactor Methods to depend on inputs and outputs only. i.e. pure functions

Flow Control

  • Air traffic control or sequencing methods does not violate SRP, they control flow or coordinate/delegate

Axis of Evil

It's impossible to write good tests for bad code

  • Hidden State
  • Violating the SRP
  • Nested logic


  • dependency injection
  • extract to function

Four Elements of Programming

  • Data structures
  • Functions
  • Conditionals
  • Repeating via Iteration

Data Structures

  • Objects are nouns
  • Methods are verbs

Redux Pattern

Time Management

The fifth element of programming.

Obserable Streams

Encapsulate, transport and transform data from user interactions.

If you are transforming in the subscribe, you are doing wrong. Use the observable to transform to the shape you need.

Combines the Iterator pattern and Observer pattern.

Angular Courses