Angular Modules

April 11, 2021

Export Only vs. Import/Export

The HeaderComponent is dependent on a material module. This module needs the import.

  declarations: [SharedUiComponent, HeaderComponent],
  imports: [MaterialModule],
  exports: [SharedUiComponent, HeaderComponent, MaterialModule],
export class SharedUiModule {}

This module re-exports material modules for use in other modules. This works, however, I am not sure this is correct. ANTI-PATTERN WARNING: Using a shared material module makes any import of this module import all material modules in the application, versus a single or handful of needed modules. It becomes really apparent when using lazy-loaded modules. --

I think the exception would be if you put this module in vendor and loaded once in the app and than used webpack externals and/or module federation to re-use.

  declarations: [],
  imports: [CommonModule],
  exports: [MatToolbarModule],
export class MaterialModule {}