Write It Down
- How do we remember things?
- How do we solidify our understandings?
- How do we free up our minds?
- How do we organize thoughts?
We should write it down, anyway that works for you.
Exercise 2: Insert mode There are a few ways to go into insert mode (I also am not including about another 10...) i: left side of cursor a: right side of cursor ----I: A: ----- o: insert new line below line and go into insert mode O: insert new line…
Developer Productivity V2
December 05, 2025- #course
https://frontendmasters.com/workshops/developer-productivity-v2/#player https://frontendmasters.github.io/dev-prod-2/ https://github.com/theprimeagen/dev dotfiles pushd pushes location onto stack. popd pops location off stack. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is a…
AI/ML for Software Engineers
November 21, 2024- #course
https://frontendmasters.com/workshops/engineering-and-ai/ https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1bseVZV-ej5wznudiXiihEWiL-oVcE5wEWGBvp_sErGY/edit?pli=1#slide=id.g316e75ef6fc_0_189 ∀ = all population = all data sample = subset of data parameters…
Microsoft: Fundamental AI Concepts
August 05, 2024- #course
- #AI
- #Microsoft
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/modules/get-started-ai-fundamentals/ Intro Machine learning - This is often the foundation for an AI system, and is the way we "teach" a computer model to make predictions and draw conclusions from data…
Improve Your Tests With the Python Mock Object Library
May 03, 2024- #course
- #python
- #real-python
https://realpython.com/courses/python-mock-object-library/ What is Mocking Creating a fake object that represents the real object Used in test environments More control over code behavior Deeper insight into your code when functions were called how…
Python Test Course
April 23, 2024- #course
- #python
- #teachable
https://pythontest.teachable.com/p/complete-pytest-course The videos are more up to date than the book(https://pragprog.com/titles/bopytest2/python-testing-with-pytest-second-edition/). The video matches the book chapters. The book on oreilly: https…
FEM: Machine Learning with JavaScript
April 18, 2024- #workshop
- #front-end-masters
- #javascript
- #machine-learning
Course: https://frontendmasters.com/workshops/machine-learning/ https://fem-ml-workshop.netlify.app/ https://github.com/charliegerard/fem-ml-workshop https://charliegerard.dev/projects Basics https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs-models Overfitting…
Python Rest APIs with FastAPI
February 01, 2024- #course
- #real-python
https://realpython.com/lessons/introduction-to-fastapi/ https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/ https://replit.com/@dbader/FastAPIMongita Servers ASGI - Async Server Gateway Interface - Uvicorn https://www.uvicorn.org/ WSGI - Web Server Gateway Interface…
November 25, 2023- #platform
DOCS: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.10/#container-v1-core ingress https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/ https://medium.com/@cashisclay/kubernetes-ingress-82aa960f658e https://kubernetes…
Ruby on Rails: Performance
November 25, 2023- #ruby
- #Ruby on Rails
- #framework
- #performance
Optimizing Rails for Memory (4 parts) Profiling stackprof stackprof webnav Active Record find_in_batches vs. find_each Maximum Number / Calculate Needs A released connection will be returned to the pool, but not disconnect from the database server…
Ruby on Rails: Sidekiq
November 25, 2023- #ruby
- #Ruby on Rails
- #framework
- #background
- #async
- #sidekiq
Serialization / Passing objects to sidekiq Sidekiq backed by Redis has to serialize everything. If you pass an active record object to a worker it will likely choke unless it's simple values. Solution Pass serializable inputs to the worker and have…
Ruby on Rails: Testing
November 25, 2023- #ruby
- #Ruby on Rails
- #framework
- #test
- #rspec
Testing a Concern testing concerns in rails 91i
Tailwind CSS
September 05, 2023- #javascript
- #css
- #framework
https://tailwindcss.com/ https://v1.tailwindcss.com/course postcss.config.js tailwind.config.js package.json (modified from https://alexanderzeitler.com/articles/watch-tailwind-changes-update-browser-sync/) public/index.html css/tailwind.css Approach…
September 05, 2023- #javascript
- #framework
Vue CLI Add to existing project Tooling VS Code Plugin VS Code Live Preview VS Code Preview vue wrapper for preview (with tailwind)
Ruby on Rails: Materialize CSS
August 29, 2023- #ruby
- #Ruby on Rails
- #framework
- #materialize
- #material design
Getting Started https://materializecss.com/getting-started.html https://github.com/mkhairi/materialize-sass gem 'materialize-sass' Using the Example Repo Demo Example Repo A little out of date with devise Inconsistent UI, see the login vs landing…
Local Dev
June 20, 2023- #productivity
- #tools
SSL for local mkdir certs touch certs/.gitkeep echo "*.pem" >> ./gitignore Run the following to generate a local cert. ./generate-certs.sh Nginx local Run behind Nginx like another env locally. This example forwards all traffic to port 3666 Install…
Factory Bot
June 19, 2023- #framework
- #ruby
- #backend
Transient attributes https://bloggie.io/@kinopyo/the-practical-usage-of-factory_bot-transient-attributes Overriding defaults You can override a field by passing in an object with values as the second argument.
June 18, 2023- #framework
- #ruby
- #backend
https://www.rubypigeon.com/posts/rspec-core-cheat-sheet/ let, let! https://mixandgo.com/learn/ruby/let-vs-let! Both memoize the value They are lazyily instantiated, only executed when called. Use let! if needing to evaluate before the it blocks…
June 11, 2023- #database
- #sql
Basics LIKE '%my_string%' find where the string contains 'my_string' Stats https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-derive-summary-statistics-using-postgresql-742f3cdc0f44 AVG(duration_minutes) AS mean calculate the mean PERCENTILE_CONT(0.5) WITHIN…
May 30, 2023- #workshop
- #front-end-masters
https://github.com/learnwithjason/astro-frontend-masters https://www.jason.af/links/ https://www.learnwithjason.dev/ https://w3techs.com/ https://www.learnwithjason.dev/topic/astro Course: https://frontendmasters.com/workshops/astro/#player Benefits…
Ruby on Rails
May 28, 2023- #ruby
- #Ruby on Rails
- #framework
New App Suspenders - thoughbot default settings and libraries Active Record Scope vs class method, similar, pick one. Belongs to Person.all.joins(:role) does a sql inner join on roles by the foreign key. The join table is available for the query but…
May 06, 2023- #framework
alias vs use vs. import alias helps setup aliases for modules so you can use shorter names alias FireStarter.Repo import allows easy access to functions from other modules without using the fully qualified name use is similar to import but gives…
April 30, 2023- #book
- #phoenix
Programming Phoenix
April 23, 2023- #book
- #phoenix
Layers Each request comes through an endpoint, then router, then pipelines, then the controller. Plug is a strategy for building web apps and libraries Business logic is in a context Keep controllers clean and skinny Stack Erlang Elixir Phoenix…
FEM Design Systems Thinking
April 05, 2023- #workshop
- #front-end-masters
survey ROI Design System Calendar Selling Design Systems Maturity Model What is a design system? Audience | Printed Materials, in store experiences, digital experiences | design system | brand: identify, mission, vision, positioning, brand colors Do…
Rails Tutorial
March 29, 2023- #tutorial
Rails Book Tutorial Tools Cloud 9. Visit https://console.aws.amazon.com/ and search for cloud 9 for online environment Heroku. Login: Ruby on Rails echo "gem: --no-document" >> ~/.gemrc save time by skipping downloading docs gem install rails -v 7.…
March 26, 2023- #language
Install/Tools brew install elixir VSCode Extension Docs Guides Standard Library Docs Books Learn Functional Programming with Elixir Repl iex start interactive session c('filename') load a file into session Dependencies Hex Package Manager edit mix…
March 11, 2023- #language
Getting Started Getting Started Creating a Module Tutorial - Full walk-through of creating a module Interactive Walkthrough - Online code REPL with instructions and detailed dive through the language Standard Library Docs Writing Unit Tests - Basic…
March 11, 2023- #language
Getting Started cargo init create project cargo run run project Error Handling Result class .expect("this failed because blah") throw error and crash Using anyhow Structs Traits use traits to add behavior
FEM Polyglot Programming - TS, Go and Rust
March 10, 2023- #workshop
- #front-end-masters
https://theprimeagen.github.io/ts-go-rust/ https://rust-unofficial.github.io/too-many-lists/ Setup https://go.dev/doc/install curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh Borrow Checker One of the most difficult to understand you…
FEM Rust for Typescript Devs
March 10, 2023- #workshop
- #front-end-masters
https://theprimeagen.github.io/rust-for-typescript-devs/ https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_67#_toggle-inlay-hints https://rust-unofficial.github.io/too-many-lists/index.html Rust ! is a macro shadowing only public and private scope String and…
Angular Component Design
January 13, 2023- #ui
- #framework
- #angular
Composing Components https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJXnXEl-CFc https://blog.nrwl.io/metaprogramming-higher-order-components-and-mixins-with-angular-ivy-75748fcbc310 https://www.danywalls.com/understand-composition-and-inheritance-in-angular#heading…
Angular Forms
January 13, 2023- #ui
- #framework
- #angular
Reactive Forms Custom Validators Adding Integrated Validation to Custom Form Controls in Angular The best way to implement custom validators Add validation to Angular material disabled field Angular Custom Form Validators: Complete Guide Adding…
January 07, 2023- #math
- #fundamentals
first degree equations: First degree equations, also known as linear equations, are algebraic equations that involve only one variable raised to the power of one. These equations can be written in the form ax + b = 0, where a and b are constants and…
Graph Theory
December 22, 2022- #cs
- #graph
- #algorithm
A* Ais a modification of Dijkstra’s Algorithm that is optimized for a single destination. Dijkstra’s Algorithm can find paths to all locations; A finds paths to one location, or the closest of several locations. It prioritizes paths that seem to be…
The Last Algorithms Course You'll Ever Need
December 08, 2022- #workshop
- #front-end-masters
- #algorithms
https://theprimeagen.github.io/fem-algos/ Resources/Books https://amzn.to/3bYmBMu https://amzn.to/3Qp9KlB or https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/a-common-sense-guide/9781680508048/ Big O Notation Look for loops. Important concepts growth is…
SVG Essentials & Annimation
October 16, 2022- #workshop
- #front-end-masters
Resources Code Pen Extension GitHub Repo Greensock Plugin List Course Slides Collections SVG and CSS/GreenSock CodePen Collection SVG Resources My Favorite SVG Animations- inspiration Intro to D3 Collection Mo.js Collection What/why SVG? Crisp on any…
Full Stack Typescript
March 24, 2022- #workshop
- #front-end-masters
https://www.typescript-training.com/course/full-stack-typescript https://github.com/MichalLytek/type-graphql
Making Typescript Stick
March 23, 2022- #workshop
- #front-end-masters
Making Typescript Stick Make it stick book --> using to write onboarding https://www.typescript-training.com/course/making-typescript-stick Playground Link When using the primitive types string and number we can see that the union of these two types…
Advanced Git CLI
March 07, 2022- #course
Learning Git https://gitimmersion.com/ really good walk-through of concepts. A bit dated but holds up well Interactive https://frontendmasters.com/courses/git-in-depth/ Advanced Git Course Really in depth, advanced topics https://git-scm.com/book/en…
February 13, 2022- #automation
https://medium.com/geekculture/ansible-2-10-installation-on-mac-os-x-add6a1034c16 - high level walkthrough https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/index.html#getting-started - documentation Python versions If your default python does not…
FEM Enterprise Architecture Patterns
February 12, 2022- #workshop
- #front-end-masters
Course Info https://frontendmasters.com/courses/enterprise-patterns/ https://github.com/onehungrymind/fem-enterprise-patterns Complexity https://moss.cs.iit.edu/cs100/papers/out-of-the-tar-pit.pdf The Iron Triangle State Code Volume Flow Control…
FEM A Tour of JS Patterns
February 11, 2022- #workshop
- #front-end-masters
A Tour of JS Patterns https://javascriptpatterns.vercel.app/patterns/design-patterns/singleton-pattern https://frontendmasters.com/courses/tour-js-patterns/ https://www.patterns.dev/ https://leanpub.com/composingsoftware https://www.theavocoder.com…
Git In-Depth
January 28, 2022- #course
echo 'Hello, World!' | git hash-object --stdiin print git hash, uses SHA1 echo 'blob 14\0Hello, World!' | openssl sha1 print same hash that git hash-object would echoHello, World!' | git hash-object -w --stdinwrites the blob to the git data store.git…
Git In-Depth
January 28, 2022- #course
- #front-end-masters
https://frontendmasters.com/workshops/web-app-patterns/ https://firt.dev/ https://firtman.github.io/webapp-patterns/ <script src="app.js" defer type="module"></script> import as module globalThis is the global object. window in browser https…
FEM functional programming
January 28, 2022- #workshop
- #front-end-masters
VIM Fundamentals https://theprimeagen.github.io/vim-fundamentals/ https://vim.rtorr.com/ https://vimways.org/2019/writing-vim-plugin/ - plugin tutorial https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive - git nav in vim Cheat Sheet Key Use j move down k move up l…
December 01, 2021Depth First https://iq.opengenus.org/depth-first-search/ https://codetree.dev/golang-graph-traversal/ Binary Search Tree https://hackthedeveloper.com/golang-binary-search-tree/ Stack https://codeburst.io/slice-based-stack-implementation-in-golang…
Machine Learning
December 01, 2021https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRDl2inPrWQW1QSWhBU0ki-jq_uElkh2a - Machine Learning Foundations Course
May 16, 2021- #node
- #NestJS
- #graphql
GraphQL https://github.com/nestjs/graphql/issues/76 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54481645/how-to-get-multiple-remote-schemas-stitched-with-nestjs-and-apollo-server https://benlimmer.com/2020/05/16/adding-typescript-types-github-graphql-api…
April 11, 2021http://algorithmsilluminated.org/ https://learning.oreilly.com/videos/algorithms-24-part-lecture https://www.programiz.com/dsa - solid resource on data structures and algorithms DFS https://medium.com/enjoy-algorithm/find-all-possible-combinations-of…
Math Concepts
April 11, 2021https://byjus.com/maths - great basic math explanations Cartesian Product Multiply two sets to get set of all ordered pairs. https://www.mathstopia.net/sets/cartesian-product Combinations and Permutations https://www.mathsisfun.com/combinatorics…
April 11, 2021Cartesian Product, Permutations https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-construct-cartesian-product-tuple-list/ example: get all permutations of coords x,y,z for {0,1,2} +- 1 Neighbors get the min/max of coords (tuple) Manhattan Distance https://docs…
Typescript References
April 11, 2021https://itnext.io/permutations-combinations-algorithms-cheat-sheet-68c14879aba5 https://github.com/trekhleb/javascript-algorithms Cartesian Product, Permutations example: get all permutations of coords x,y,z for {0,1,2} +- 1 Manhatten Distance…
Angular Modules
April 11, 2021- #ui
- #angular
Export Only vs. Import/Export The HeaderComponent is dependent on a material module. This module needs the import. This module re-exports material modules for use in other modules. This works, however, I am not sure this is correct. ANTI-PATTERN…
April 11, 2021- #ui
- #angular
Build Optimizer and Vendor Chunk Don't assume vendor chunk is helpful. Use Vendor IF: - You can cache the asset - The asset doesn't change as often as the app - The vendor chunk reduces main significantly Use the build optimizer with vendor off IF…
Game Dev
April 11, 2021https://github.com/armytricks/GameOfLife/blob/master -- graphics black book http://downloads.gamedev.net/pdf/gpbb Game of Life https://github.com/armytricks/GameOfLife/blob/master/GameOfLifeSimulation/main.cpp Video of Implementation in C -- https…
April 11, 2021- #library
https://itnext.io/a-beginners-guide-to-ramda-part-1-7e4a34972e97 composing & currying https://itnext.io/a-beginners-guide-to-ramda-part-1-7e4a34972e97 https://robertwpearce.com/ramda-chops-function-currying.html https://tinyurl.com/y6e26lf4 Curry…
January 14, 2021- #cloud
- #azure
Deploy ng app: https://github.com/Azure/ng-deploy-azure/blob/master/src/builders/deploy.builder.ts Node sdk API: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/javascript/api/%40azure/storage-blob/containerclient?view=azure-node-latest#containerclient-string…
January 14, 2021- #mac
cleanup disk space, old stuffs https://tomodwyer.com/post/2017-02-19-useful-homebrew-commands/ brew. old files can take up a lot of space TIP: run upgrade first so it cleans old files and updates upgrade all and cleanup install latest and remove…
January 14, 2021proxying - https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/understanding-nginx-http-proxying-load-balancing-buffering-and-caching https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/understanding-nginx-server-and-location-block-selection-algorithms…
January 14, 2021- #language
command line apps http://blog.honeybadger.io/writing-command-line-apps-in-ruby/ - tutorial on command line apps in ruby http://culttt.com/2015/07/01/creating-and-using-modules-in-ruby/ - using ruby modules http://www.stuartellis.name/articles/rake…
January 14, 2021- #language
dynamic imports: https://mariusschulz.com/blog/typescript-2-4-dynamic-import-expressions http://2ality.com/2017/01/import-operator.html Nullish Coalescing Operator Checks the left-hand side of the operator for undefined or null. It will return the…
Angular Elements
January 13, 2021- #ui
- #framework
Using Angular elements: https://www.angulararchitects.io/aktuelles/your-options-for-building-angular-elements/ micro apps with elements: https://www.angulararchitects.io/aktuelles/micro-apps-with-web-components-using-angular-elements/
Angular Schematics
January 13, 2021- #ui
- #framework
https://astexplorer.net/ - ast explorer https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51610745/nrwl-nx-workspace-specific-schematics - running a collection in a workspace https://auth0.com/blog/create-custom-schematics-with-nx/ - nx workspace tutorial https…
Angular 9 Fundamentals
January 13, 2021- #ui
- #framework
Github Repo
Angular Material
January 13, 2021- #ui
- #framework
Comprehensive guide: https://blog.thoughtram.io/angular/2017/05/23/custom-themes-with-angular-material.html Color tool for palettes: https://material.io/design/color/the-color-system.html#tools-for-picking-colors Sample palette: Building a theme Pick…
January 13, 2021- #ui
- #framework
Angular Routing — A Better Pattern For Large Scale Apps Route Pattern -- using route.ts instead of route module pattern.
January 13, 2021- #ui
- #framework
The complete guide to Angular Material Themes - Tomas Trajan - Medium A Complete Guide to Flexbox | CSS-Tricks Angular Material UI component library
Developer Productivity
January 12, 2021- #workshop
https://github.com/ThePrimeagen/dev-productivity https://github.com/ThePrimeagen/dev-productivity/blob/main/lessons/ansible.md https://github.com/ThePrimeagen/ansible/blob/master/Dockerfile Tmux apt install tmux Prefix key: ctrl + b tmux start…
FEM functional programming
December 04, 2020- #workshop
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nj5xmsHeJh-6RdjLs1190Hwl8smclvFLePqPCTVsrYw/edit#slide=id.g338d117be_040 https://drboolean.gitbooks.io/mostly-adequate-guide-old/content/ curry trick compose same as dot chaining but read right to left. pipe is…
Application Architecture with Micro Frontends
December 03, 2020- #workshop
https://www.amazon.com/Team-Topologies-Organizing-Business-Technology/dp/1942788819 Communication patterns DOM is the API EEV? Unidirectional flow, no component to component coupling State Management Router state is source of truth Keep state…
Day 1
December 03, 2020- #conference
Keynote https://angular.io/guide/roadmap - collaborative process Ivy compile and runtime i18n Webpack 5 and micro-frontends angular devtools augry team optional ngmodules zoneless https://blog.angular.io/angular-localization-with-ivy-4d8becefb6aa…
Day 2
December 03, 2020- #conference
Angular 11 HMR webpack 5 (exp) eslint MFE Horizontal vs. Vertical Split Up front investment Team Structure Testing challanges Scalability challenges Dep management vert Traditional dev Embracing JS system Dynamic rendering for SEO Composition https…
Getting started with Ag Grid
December 03, 2020- #workshop
https://lookout.dev/home - share learnings publicly https://github.com/ag-grid/thinkster/tree/master/angular - code repo Interacting with grid: https://www.ag-grid.com/javascript-grid-filter-quick/ Filter: Floating filter is first row. Datasource…
Testing angular applications with cypress
December 03, 2020- #workshop
https://bit.ly/35xYv5c https://github.com/CypressCecelia/cypress-testing-angular-workshop https://youtu.be/V-o8WzlwKmM - patterns and practices. https://docs.cypress.io/guides/core-concepts/test-runner.html#Application-Under-Test https://cypress…
JSON Schema
November 01, 2020https://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/index.html Used by angular builders: https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/aio/content/guide/cli-builder.md#angular-cli-builders Tools https://github.com/bcherny/json-schema-to-typescript…
August 21, 2020- #DVCS
Migrations: https://help.github.com/enterprise/2.11/admin/guides/migrations/ mirroring: https://help.github.com/articles/duplicating-a-repository/ https://help.github.com/articles/about-github-mirrors/ clean history p4merge https://gist.github.com…
August 06, 2020- #ui
CSS Mastery http://estelle.github.io https://estelle.github.io/cssmastery/#slide8 - slides https://www.fontsquirrel.com/tools/webfont-generator https://estelle.github.io/cssmastery/selectors/selectors.html - selectors complete list http…
August 06, 2020- #design
brand colors https://brandcolors.net/ - get the color palettes of brands material https://material.io/tools/color/#!/?view.left=0&view.right=0 - material palette generator
July 19, 2020- #language
https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch001721.htm - extracting text http://docopt.org - cli doc generation Working with pip and default pythons Mac currently comes with both python2 and python 3 installed. Python2 is mapped to the python command. In…
Raspberry PI
July 03, 2020- #IOT
getting info about hardware and software http://ozzmaker.com/check-raspberry-software-hardware-version-command-line/
Breakout Board
July 03, 2020- #IOT
Configure VNC for PI
July 03, 2020- #IOT
http://www.penguintutor.com/linux/tightvnc Configure for service startup save as /etc/systemd/system/tightvncserver.service test script enable at boot edit /etc/systemd/system/tightvncservice.service connect from client (tunnel)
July 03, 2020- #IOT
https://roboticsbackend.com/install-raspbian-desktop-on-a-virtual-machine-virtualbox/ https://thepi.io/how-to-run-raspberry-pi-desktop-on-windows-or-macos/ https://www.bluetin.io/raspberry-pi-raspbian-virtual-machine/ circuit pi https://learn…
Installing Raspbian
July 03, 2020- #IOT
Using Etcher Download preferred version. https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspberry-pi-os/ desktop: for a gui/dev env lite: for no gui, small system Download and install etcher: https://etcher.io/ brew install --cask balenaetcher Run etcher…
PI Networking
July 03, 2020- #IOT
July 03, 2020- #IOT
https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/security.md create a user https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/linux/usage/users.md SKEL Upon creating a new user, the contents of /etc/skel/ will be copied to the new user's home folder…
SSH Keys for PI
July 03, 2020- #IOT
https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/ssh/passwordless.md http://www.aupcgroup.com/blog/index.php?/archives/4-Securing-Raspbian.html Run these on the machine accessing your pi: Replace 'user' with your login and host with the…
FEM: Svelte
June 14, 2020- #ui
https://svelte-workshop.netlify.app/introduction/ https://frontendmasters.com/workshops/svelte/#player https://github.com/Rich-Harris/svelte-workshop https://svelte.dev/blog/write-less-code sapper https://github.com/sveltejs/sapper-template Clone a…
Algorithms and Data Structures
January 19, 2020- #cs
- #data
slides from workshop: https://slides.com/bgando/intro-to-algorithms#/ cheatsheet: https://www.bigocheatsheet.com/ Tree Data Structures https://towardsdatascience.com/8-useful-tree-data-structures-worth-knowing-8532c7231e8c B-tree B-tree is a special…
January 19, 2020- #library
book : https://www.newline.co/fullstack-d3 blog : https://wattenberger.com/blog/d3#intro tip: view data: console.tabe(dataset[0]) checklist for designing data vis access look at data and determine how to access values you need chart dimensions…
January 19, 2020- #language
https://tech.fpcomplete.com/haskell/learn http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~pszgmh/pih.html https://repl.it - code runner books Programming in Haskell my samples https://repl.it/@kaltepeter/programming-in-haskell language details https://hackage.haskell.org…
Interviewing for FE
January 19, 2020- #workshop
http://jemyoung.com/interviewing https://josephg.com/blog/3-tribes/ application What do you like about your current job? What are you looking for in your next job? network | talks/meetups | linkedin | github | webpage Reviewing resumes: which role…
VS Code
January 19, 2020- #tools
useful plugins themes material theme: (equinusocio.vsc-material-theme) https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Equinusocio.vsc-material-theme raiju: (tobiastimm.raiju) https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=TobiasTimm.raiju…
January 14, 2020- #ui
Webpack federation: https://www.angulararchitects.io/aktuelles/the-microfrontend-revolution-module-federation-in-webpack-5/ module-federation-examples/webpack.config.js at master · module-federation/module-federation-examples · GitHub
January 14, 2020- #nx
- #ui
Jenkins example: https://github.com/nrwl/nx-jenkins-build How to Deploy Nx monorepos to Netlify How to never build or test the same code twice - Nrwl nx-plugins/libs/nx-deploy-it at master · Dev-Thought/nx-plugins · GitHub nx list: show list of…
Open Source
January 14, 2020https://opensauced.pizza/ - get started https://goodfirstissue.dev/ - good first issues https://www.codetriage.com/ - find open source issues https://opensource.guide/ - open source onboarding
November 12, 2019generators npm init simple and built in https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/init https://github.com/npm/init-package-json npm init <initializer>can be used to set up a new or existing npm package. initializerin this case is an npm package namedcreate…
November 11, 2019- #database
https://www.mongodb.com/blog/post/6-rules-of-thumb-for-mongodb-schema-design-part-1 - great series on schema design https://www.mongodb.com/blog/post/thinking-documents-part-1 - comparision to relational http://learnmongodbthehardway.com/schema…
October 09, 2019- #nix
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17029902/using-curl-post-with-variables-defined-in-bash-script-functions https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2500436/how-does-cat-eof-work-in-bash http://goo.gl/ZThKCj - printing strings help http://goo.gl/HnPkiq…
October 09, 2019- #nix
file permissions (chmod) https://www.tutorialspoint.com/unix/unix-file-permission.htm num permission Ref 0 No permission --- 1 Execute permission --x 2 Write permission -w- 4 Read permission r-- The rest is math. e.g. 6 is: Read and write permission…
Video Tools
September 16, 2019- #tools
capturing screen: quicktime or giffy capture convert mov to gif https://superuser.com/questions/556029/how-do-i-convert-a-video-to-gif-using-ffmpeg-with-reasonable-quality https://medium.com/@colten_jackson/doing-the-gif-thing-on-debian-82b9760a848…
September 08, 2019- #platform
Push single directory as app https://medium.com/@shalandy/deploy-git-subdirectory-to-heroku-ea05e95fce1f
Terminal Tricks
July 23, 2019- #nix
tmux https://hackernoon.com/a-gentle-introduction-to-tmux-8d784c404340
July 14, 2019plugins editorconfig MarkdownLivePreview
July 13, 2019- #nix
generate cert for local dev and xip.io replace {ip} with your ip. trust on local machine (mac)
July 13, 2019- #APM
agent docker mac curl -o setup_agent.sh https://setup.instana.io/agent && chmod 700 ./setup_agent.sh && sudo ./setup_agent.sh -a "${instana_agent_key}" -t dynamic -l us -s Run API Tests locally
July 13, 2019cli https://github.com/jandelgado/rabtap
July 13, 2019jest https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42977961/how-to-mock-an-exported-const-in-jest Find elements
July 13, 2019- #nix
install zsh https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/wiki/Installing-ZSH sudo xcodebuild -license accept brew install zsh zsh-completions zsh --version sudo echo "$(which zsh)" >> /etc/shells (brew may do this for you) chsh -s $(which zsh) restart…
April 10, 2019- #nix
install https://allysonjulian.com/posts/setting-up-docker-with-xhyve/ https://docs.docker.com/v17.12/docker-for-mac/install/#download-docker-for-mac xhyve deprecated, use hyperkit hyperkit https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/blob/master/docs…
February 03, 2019- #language
get env vars: http://www.mytechtoday.com/2009/01/read-environment-variables-with-groovy.html executing complex shell: http://www.joergm.com/2010/09/executing-shell-commands-in-groovy/ https://gist.github.com/kaltepeter/e5cbe4b7c1ec3e0f2ea4c54f93ee…
February 03, 2019- #CI
- #CD
automation https://github.com/arangamani/jenkins_api_client - ruby libraries https://jenkins.io/doc/book/managing/cli/ - cli https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Figuring+out+URL+binding+of+Stapler - uri bindings investigation https://github.com…
January 07, 2019- #monorepo
with typescript https://blog.logrocket.com/setting-up-a-monorepo-with-lerna-for-a-typescript-project-b6a81fe8e4f8 Install deps dev deps
January 07, 2019- #framework
- #ui
monorepo https://itnext.io/guide-react-app-monorepo-with-lerna-d932afb2e875 create react app with lerna Performance Context The way that context works is that whenever the provided value changes from one render to another, it triggers a re-render of…
Chrome Extensions
December 13, 2018manifests https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/manifest permissions https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/declare_permissions samples https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-app-samples chrome webui https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src…
Virtual Box
December 08, 2018- #tools
convert parallels to virtualbox https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=57476 prepare parallels vm uninstall parallels tools convert to vhd Convert disk to VHDX Download and run this tool: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/ee…
October 31, 2018reference and practice graphic representations and explanation addition rules multiplication rules
October 31, 2018- #nix
docker plugins install auto reload bin/logstash –f apache.config --config.reload.automatic
October 21, 2018- #DVCS
migrating to git https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-and-Other-Systems-Migrating-to-Git
October 21, 2018dealing with corporate proxies http://cntlm.sourceforge.net/ You can run your own proxy locally and transparently send credentials for all apps. Options: CNTLM, nginx
October 16, 2018formulas get human time from epoch
October 09, 2018getting started https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/getting_started/ Use docker instead of local: https://github.com/vegasbrianc/prometheus - starter project for prometheus and grafana docker https://www.ctl.io/developers/blog/post…
October 06, 2018zulu vs openjdk vs oracle versions https://javapapers.com/java/oracle-jdk-vs-openjdk-and-java-jdk-development-process/ openjdk: open source implementation of oracle jdk. bug fixes may happen here and push back to oracle. easy install on ubuntu free…
Linux Commands
September 25, 2018- #nix
command purpose notes lsblk Lists out all the storage blocks, which includes disk partitions and optical drives. Details include the total size of the partition/block and the mount point if any. https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/4561/how-do-i…
Format an SD Card
July 28, 2018- #nix
Prep SD card with image format the card http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/write-format-manage-sd-card-linux/ WARNING: this will wipe the card, make sure the target is correct. of is target and /dev/sdc is a disk in this case Download the image to copy…
July 28, 2018- #library
beginner tutorial: https://www.howtographql.com graphql yoga: https://www.npmjs.com/package/graphql-yoga graphql playground: https://github.com/graphcool/graphql-playground __resolveType = apollo based resolver mongo graphql project -> AST dataloader…
July 28, 2018- #ui
- #javascript
Jasmine: typesafe stubs for container component tests problem: container component tests are slow and painful. require mocking a lot of objects sometimes multiple levels deep. option 1: shallow tests with no errors schema https://angular.io/guide…
Johnny 5
July 28, 2018- #iot
install connect wifi http://tessel.github.io/t2-start/index.html - tessel docs https://github.com/stevekinney/nodebots-workshop - workshop http://johnny-five.io/ - johnny.five docs
Linux Services / Automation
July 28, 2018- #nix
https://crontab.guru/ - web ui for cron expressions
July 28, 2018- #library
adding store package structure {#workingwithngrx-packagestructure} content +state breadcrumbs container content-grid navigation content.actions.ts content.effects.ts content.init.ts content.interfaces.ts content.reducer.ts content.selectors.ts…
July 28, 2018- #ui
Get the npm location Get the npm location for globals - regardless of current workspace with docker https://github.com/nodejs/docker-node Run local package https://medium.com/@maybekatz/introducing-npx-an-npm-package-runner-55f7d4bd282b But wait! npx…
Spring Boot
July 28, 2018- #java
- #framework
Health Check https://blog.jayway.com/2014/07/22/spring-boot-custom-healthindicator/ test with curl curl -sSf http://localhost:8888/health -o /dev/null || echo "website down" will echo "website down" if healthcheck is not UP curl -sSf http://localhost…
July 28, 2018- #tools
getting started build a box start to finish - https://www.engineyard.com/blog/building-a-vagrant-box Networking https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/networking/basic_usage.html - docs from: https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/vagrant-virtual…
June 12, 2018- #nix
https://www.geoffstratton.com/wget-and-curl - comparison
April 22, 2018- #nix
enable http2 - https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&ved=0ahUKEwiYofW6qs7aAhVK4oMKHbNoCpAQFgg8MAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsimonecarletti.com%2Fblog%2F2016%2F01%2Fhttp2-curl-macosx%2F&usg=AOvVaw1Qy8bVgktSxEX8AHEPkYS2 upload pass…